Give me a shove

The Slytherin House Ghost
3 min readApr 3, 2022

I’ve been here a few thousand years now. Actually, scratch that. I picked up a new word a decade ago, which is pretty much yesterday from my perspective. It was ‘million’. I think that accurately describes my age. But the last few thousand years is when I’ve had the most fun. I moved to this nice clearing where people occasionally come have picnics, and chat about the world in general. I’ve really expanded my lexicon in recent centuries, which isn’t something most of my kind can brag about.

It’s not all fine and dandy, though. I’ve witnessed gruesome stuff. Muggings. Drunken fights escalating into full blown violence. Even organized murders. I guess that makes me a witness, or even an accomplice. No, that’s not right. Maybe more like passively complicit. But I can’t help it. I can’t interfere in the natural order of things even if I wanted to. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe in free will. It just doesn’t work for us the same way it works for you.

I do have wishes, though. Aspirations, more like. Although mine aren’t ambitious and long-winded like yours. It’s funny, really. I must have sat through billions of people discussing their hopes and dreams in front of me, some so grandiose and far-fetched that I’d have sniggered if I could. But my dream is simple — I just want to visit the valley down the hill from me.

I don’t have a specific reason why — I just love the idyllic feel it evokes in me. I’d love to just sit by the stream and watch the animals come by, or watch the roaring fires the townsfolk light up at night, the sparks flickering so high they almost seem to touch the stars. ‘Stardust’. That’s another word I picked up recently, and I quite liked the sound of that. Anyway, I digress.

I know I’ll be down by the valley soon, but I can’t give you a date. Most of you will long be gone by then, or maybe back here in another form if you believe in that ideology. But I’ll be around, so don’t be a stranger. You won’t get a peep out of me, but you can still sit around me and discuss fascinating concepts I can learn from. Or just horse around and indulge in general tomfoolery. I enjoy that too.

You’ll know me when you see me. Hopefully, I get my wish to move down to the valley. I don’t know when exactly, but all it takes is a little nudge to get me rolling. Hey, hang on a minute. One of you can maybe help me get started on my journey.

It’s a shame though, for I can’t tell you what exactly this place is called so you can find me easily. But if you ever see a massive boulder sitting upon a hill overlooking a valley, come give me a shove.



The Slytherin House Ghost

A million years from now, everything will drift into obscurity, just like this blog